Legal and Ethical Use of the Web

C.O.S.T.  What does cyber safety cost you OR what does the lack of cyber safety cost you as a parent, student or educator?

As students, educators and parents, we are often confused by the legality of using resources found on the world wide web. Read on to get a better understanding of these terms and to see what can happen if you are caught illegally downloading material or music from the Internet. A different kind of danger awaits all Internet users in these areas.

Confused? Let’s start with a few basic definitions.

You may want to watch an entertaining video clip about these definitions at (on a non-school computer).

What is a copyright?

“A copyright is the set of exclusive legal rights authors have over their works for a limited period of time. These rights include copying the works (including parts of the works), making derivative works, distributing the works, and performing the works (this means showing a movie or playing an audio recording, as well as performing a dramatic work). Currently, the author's rights begin when a work is created. A work does not have to bear a copyright notice or be registered to be copyrighted.”

What does "Fair Use" mean?

“Fair use provisions of the copyright law allow for limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission in some cases. Examples of fair use of copyrighted materials include quotation of excerpts in a review or critique, or copying of a small part of a work by a teacher or student to illustrate a lesson.”

See also: 

Which explains “fair use- the idea that limited portions of copyrighted materials can be used, without permission, for purposes such as news reporting, teaching, and scholarly research.” This article also gives more detail into what factors must be considered in determining is fair use applies.

What is Plagiarism? defines plagiarism as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work”.

Check out this video where one student explains plagiarism to another student: Copyright Perspectives: No, You Stole It


Today’s world is full of high tech devices and students have found many ways to use them to cheat in school. Plagiarism is the most common form of cheating, but the list goes on. Students use their cell phones to access information for use in class or on tests; they also use the phones to text other students to warn them of upcoming quizzes or information for a class. They can even take pictures of tests to distribute. Check out these two websites for more information about this growing problem:
What Does Creative Commons Mean?

Creative Commons is a licensing system that tries to make protecting original work a little easier for Internet users. The website is creative A good explanation of this site and it’s various available licenses can be found on page three of this document:
Students who create original written works, videos, or music should review these possibilities and consider licensing their work before placing it on the Internet for all to see and/or use. .
This site, ,describes it : “Creative Commons is a new system, built upon current copyright law, that allows you to legally use “some rights reserved” music, movies, images, and other content — all for free. CC offers free copyright licenses that anyone can use (without a lawyer) to mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. For instance, a musician would use a Creative Commons license to allow people to legally share her songs online, make copies for friends, or even use them in videos or other compositions. “

What is Illegal Downloading?

“Original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain intellectual compositions are protected by copyright law. If a person publicly performs, reproduces, distributes copies, or displays works without consent of the copyright owner could be in violation of the law.” 1443448.html#ixzz1IOR7LHXm Under Creative Commons License: Attribution 

Just because a website lets you download, copy or save a piece of work does not make it legal. It is everyone’s responsibility to know what is legal and what is not.

Sources for Tips on Legal Use and Downloads:
Results of Illegal Downloading:

People who distribute and download copyrighted recordings without permission face civil actions for potentially thousands of pounds of damages…..Illegal downloading can also constitute a criminal offence if the downloader distributes the material. Infringement of piracy and bootlegging laws can lead to hefty fines and even imprisonment if someone is caught making copies for the purpose of selling or hiring them to others. …..The penalties for copyright offences depend on seriousness, but at the higher end of the scale it can lead to an appearance before a magistrate where the sanction for distributing unauthorised files is a fine of up to £5,000 ( $8060.) or six months' imprisonment. … is America which is leading the way in copyright prosecution. In some US states the online infringement of copyrighted music can be punished by up to three years' jail and £150,000 ($242,000.) in fines. Repeat offenders can be imprisoned for up to six years. Individuals may be held civilly liable – regardless of whether the activity is for profit – for actual damages or lost profits, or for statutory damages up to £90,000 ($145,000.) per infringed copyright. In the USA the industry is putting fake tracks on file-sharing networks to track down your IP. …” Excerpts from: . Read the entire article for more details and an account of a person caught in illegal downloading. (Dollar conversions added)

Copyright owners have been pushing the government to do more and more about their rights. So, as students, educators and parents, everyone must be more diligent about proper use and proper crediting. Music downloads have gotten the most press, but the copyright laws apply to all sorts of information on the Internet.

In addition to the potential criminal and civil prosecution, students can loose their computer privileges at school , get a failing grade, or be suspended.  In college, plagiarism generally leads to dismissal.

Resources for Free or Inexpensive Media Downloads

Microsoft Clipart

Video and Mixed Media:

Putnam County Acceptable Use Agreement

The Putnam County Acceptable Use Agreement for students covers copyright laws and plagiarism with these statements:
“I understand that the internet must be used for educational purposes….
I will not download or play music or videos from the internet, unless directed by my teacher……
I understand that software and ideas are protected by copyright laws.
I will not copy information received from any source and say that it is my own.
I will list all sources of information that I use in my projects and work……..
I understand that I must follow county, state and federal rules when using technology.”

Additional Reference Websites  (for educators mostly)

So, what does it C.O.S.T. you to be cyber safe?????.......not nearly as much as it might C.O.S.T. you if you are not!